AMI Script

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AMI Script Introduction


AMI has an embedded, versatile language which is a combination of the well-known C/Java style, SQL and String Templating languages.  Here is a very quick example of the incredible versatility of the language which does a cross-database join:

 2  //Inspect the ACCOUNTS table of two pre-defined databases (qadb & proddb).
 3  //Two temporary in-memory tables are created (qatemp and prtemp)
 4  String table = "ACCOUNTS";
 5  CREATE TABLE qatemp AS USE datasource=qadb   EXECUTE SELECT * FROM ${table};
 6  CREATE TABLE prtemp AS USE datasource=proddb EXECUTE SELECT * FROM ${table};
 8  //Gather some statistics, Note that the results of the queries on the in-memory tables are
 9  //stuffed into the local variables
10  int qaCnt = select count(*) from qatemp;
11  int prCnt = select count(*) from prtemp;
12  int bothCnt = select count(*) from qatemp, prtemp where ==;
14  //Alert the user with some statistics, including the number of users in both qa and prod
15  session.alert("Found ${qaCnt + prCnt} ${table} rows: ${qaCnt} in qa and ${prCnt} in prod. \
16                 There are ${bothCnt} ids existing in both");
18  //Create a Temporary ProdOnly table that contains all users in prod but not qa.
19  //This table can be used in the visualization layer
20  Create table ProdOnly as select * from prtemp where !(id in (select id from qatemp));

In this introductory language you can see the interoperability of SQL and a procedural style language. The ${...} syntax is used for easily creating dynamic strings and SQL statements.

Key Features

AMI Script is a versatile language designed for optimized "on the fly" compilation, meaning expressions can be re-compiled and evaluated in an instant.  Some key features of the language:

  • Type Safe - All variables have well defined types, ex: String vs. Integer
  • Compile Time Binding - Code is compiled before execution to minimize runtime issues
  • Procedural -  Custom methods (with overloading), along with a set of predefined procedures
  • Object Oriented - Objects in AMI are represented as such in Ami Script
  • Event Driven - Executes based on events, such as running a datamodel or clicking a button
  • Implicit Casting - Casting from one type to another can be explicitly or implicitly defined
  • Embedded SQL - For accessing external sources and tables directly in the language. See below
  • String Templating - Ability to template code for reuse. See below
  • Task Swapping - Tasks can be exported runtime for out-of-band execution. (separate thread)

Embedded SQL is an SQL-style language extension to AMI Script with near-full SQL support along with several enhancements geared towards data preparation for the visualization of data.  All of these functions act on an in-memory database. It also supports "calling out" to external datasources. Some key features are:

  • Query Clauses - For filtering, joining, and grouping data on the in-memory database
  • Data Modification - For adding, updating, and deleting data on the in-memory database
  • Schema Modification - For adding, editing, and deleting tables/columns on the in-memory database
  • Use … Execute - For seamlessly running code on external datasources and storing results to the in-memory database
  • Advanced Data Preparation and Analysis - For complex data calculations, not typically available on a standard SQL database
  • Lambda Support -The ability to run AMI script code inside SQL. For example, to run a code snippet per row returned in a table
  • Nested Queries - The in(…) clause supports full nested queries, and also supports multiple column in-clauses
  • Intelligent Indexing - As joins, in-clauses, etc. are evaluated, indexes will automatically be spun up depending on data size and cardinality

AMI Script Template syntax is an extension of AMI Script with the aim of simplifying dynamic text generation, useful for creating dynamic HTML, dynamic SQL, etc.

  • Embed Ami Script inside Text - Embed AMI script inside text allows for easy dynamic text generation
  • Embed Ami Script inside SQL - Embed AMI script inside SQL allows for easy dynamic SQL generation
  • Injection Protection - Properly escaping control characters, quotes, etc.
  • Conditional Templating - Ability to do conditional & loop based template construction

AMI Script

Variable Naming

Case-sensitive combination of a-z, A-Z, _, 0-9.  The first character must not be a number. Alternatively, variables can be wrapped in back ticks (`), in which case all characters are supported, allowing for accessibility with external language references.  Note: `test` is equivalent to test. Variables are declared with the following syntax (the value will default to null if an expression is not supplied):

type variable_name [ = expression][, variable_name [ = expression] ... ];

Literals (Constants)

digits Int constant
0xdigits Hex Int constant
0digits Octal Int constant
digitsL Long constant
0xdigitsL Hex long constant
0digitsL Octal long constant
digits.digits Float constant.  Note, scientific (aka 'E') notation is supported
digits.digitsD Double constant.  Note, scientific (aka 'E') notation is supported
"chars" String constant.  Use backslash (\) to escape quotes, backslash (\\)   and other control chars, ex: \n. A string can be defined over multiple lines using a trailing backslash on all but the last line, note that preceding white space is trimmed out for subsequent lines. Please see String Templating section for  details on ${…} syntax
\n\r\t<space> White space (token delimiter)

Reserved Type

All reserved types' values are immutable. Null is a valid value

Long 64 bit signed whole number
Double 64 bit signed float
String Variable length string of UTF 8 characters
Integer 32 bit signed whole number
Float 32 bit signed float
Byte 8 bit signed whole number
Boolean boolean (true or false)
Number Base class for Long,Double,Integer,Float,Byte
UTC Timestamp with millisecond precision (since unix epoch)


Integer i = 32;
Double d = 4.3, f = 132.d; //declaring multiple variables
Integer j = 0xaabcc;
String test = "hello world";
String Test = "Hello \
               world";     //Multi line 
Integer lng = 100000000000L;
Boolean flag = true;
Byte some_thing = null;


Variables are strongly typed, but casting can be explicit or implicit.  If a cast fails, the result evaluates to null. Also, equality operations (==, <=, >=, >, <, !=) will also auto cast when possible as well.


String test1 = 123;    //implicit cast from integer to string 
String test2 = "0x123";//implicit cast from hexidecimal integer to string 
Double val = "123.32"; //implicit case for string to double 
Boolean b = "true";    //implicit cast from string to boolean
String val = (Integer) 123.d; //explicit cast from double to integer, then implicit cast to String
Boolean c = "test";    //Evaluates to null because the implicit cast from string to boolean is invalid
Byte d;                //Evaluates to null by default

Variable Scoping

Scopes are defined using statement blocks, which are denoted by curly brackets: {…}. Within a statement block, variables are only visible after they are declared. When statement blocks are nested inside other statement blocks, all variables declared in the outer block are visible within the inner block as long as the variable is declared before the inner block. A variable cannot be re-declared when another variable with the same name is visible.


  Byte a;
  //a is visible;
  Byte b;
  //a & b are visible; 
    Byte c;
    //a, b & c are visible;
    Byte d;
    //a, b, c & d are visible;
      Byte e;
      //a, b, c, d & e are visible;
    //a, b, c & d are visible;   
  //a & b are visible;
  Byte a; //Compiler error: a already exists and can not be redefined

Standard Operators (in order of significance)


(evaluates to num_var type)

num_expr * num_expr multiplication
num_expr / num_expr division
num_expr % num_expr modulus (remainder)
num_expr + num_expr addition for numbers
num_expr - num_expr subtraction


(evaluates to num_int_expr type)

int_expr ~ int_expr bitwise NOT
int_expr << int_expr signed bit shift left
int_expr >> int_expr signed bit shift right
int_expr >>> int_expr unsigned bit shift right
int_expr & int_expr bitwise AND
int_expr ^ int_expr bitwise XOR
int_expr ! int_expr bitwise OR


(evaluates to boolean)

! bool_expr boolean (logical) NOT
expr < expr less than (strings are case sensitive)
expr > expr greater than (strings are case sensitive)
expr <= expr less than or equal to (strings are case sensitive)
expr >= expr greater than or equal to (strings are case sensitive)
expr == expr equal to (strings are case sensitive)
expr != expr is not  equal to (strings are case sensitive)
expr =~ regex matches regular expression (see Java Pattern for details)
expr !~ regex does not match regular expression (see Java Pattern for details)
expr ~~ simple_pattern simplified text matching. See Simplified Text Matching section.
expr instance of type does expr evaluate to supplied type (eg: would casting succeed)
expr && expr logical and. Short circuits if left expr returns false. Short circuits if right expr is const and false
expr logical or. Short circuits if left expr returns true. Short circuits if right expr is const and true


(evaluates to boolean)

string_expr+ expr String concatenation.  Null values equate to empty string ("")


(expression) Force Order of operations
array_of_type[num_expr] Array index referencing
(type)statement Explicit cast to type. Note that a failed cast returns null. Also, casting is automatic, so it's not necessary
bool_expr ? tr_expr : fl_expr If bool_expr returns true, then evaluates to tr_expr, otherwise evaluates to fl_expr.


Long n = (10 + 5) * 2;  //n is 30 
n += 5;                 //n is 35 
n = n/2;                //n is 17 
Boolean b = n>10;       //b is true (n is still 17)
b =! b;                 //b is false 
b = (b || true) && true;//b is true         
String test = "hello" + "world"; //test is helloworld

Assignment & Declaration

special (evaluates to type)

new type(param[, param ...]) Object Creation
type var_name Variable declaration (Value is defaulted to null)
type var_name = expression Variable declaration and assignment
Variable declaration and assignment Variable declaration and assignment

assignment (evaluates to num_var type)

num_var ++ combined post-increment assignment
++ num_var combined pre-increment assignment
num_var -- combined post-decrement assignment
-- num_var combined pre-decrement assignment
num_var *= num_expr combined multiplication assignment
num_var /= num_expr combined division assignment
num_var %= num_expr combined modulus assignment (remainder)
num_var += num_expr combined addition assignment
num_var -= num_expr combined subtraction assignment