Introduction to AMI

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An Introduction to AMI


The AMI platform is a comprehensive suite of components designed to provide a consolidated view across all the various applications and IT resources within large information technology environments. It has interfaces and adapters for interacting with the most expansive technology environments.


The AMI architecture is designed for easy installation with the ability to easily scale as needed. For getting started with lower capacity needs, AMI can be installed and run as a single process. For additional capacity, AMI supports vertical scaling such that the interaction with front end and backend applications can be broken out into separate processes. Beyond that, even more capacity can be achieved through horizontally scaling additional AMI processes.

Single Process

AMI will scale as the processing needs scale. For use cases where all processing can be done through a single instance, only a single AMI One process is necessary. This process contains all the components and interfaces discussed above. The architecture is quite simple:

Vertical Scaling

Vertical and Horizontal Scaling

AMI Relay Diagram

AMI Center Diagram

AMI Web Diagram


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