{ "layouts":[ { "data":{ "includeFiles":[ ], "metadata":{ "amiCustomCss":".button{\n background:#f2f200;\n}\n.refresh{\n /*background-image: url(\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24'%3E%3Cpath d='M13.5 2c-5.621 0-10.211 4.443-10.475 10h-3.025l5 6.625 5-6.625h-2.975c.257-3.351 3.06-6 6.475-6 3.584 0 6.5 2.916 6.5 6.5s-2.916 6.5-6.5 6.5c-1.863 0-3.542-.793-4.728-2.053l-2.427 3.216c1.877 1.754 4.389 2.837 7.155 2.837 5.79 0 10.5-4.71 10.5-10.5s-4.71-10.5-10.5-10.5z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E\");*/\n filter: invert(1);\n background-size: contain;\n /*height: px;*/\n}\n.refresh:checked{\n background-image: url(\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24'%3E%3Cpath d='M13.5 2c-5.621 0-10.211 4.443-10.475 10h-3.025l5 6.625 5-6.625h-2.975c.257-3.351 3.06-6 6.475-6 3.584 0 6.5 2.916 6.5 6.5s-2.916 6.5-6.5 6.5c-1.863 0-3.542-.793-4.728-2.053l-2.427 3.216c1.877 1.754 4.389 2.837 7.155 2.837 5.79 0 10.5-4.71 10.5-10.5s-4.71-10.5-10.5-10.5z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E\") !important;\n background-size: contain;\n \n}\n\n", "amiScriptMethods":[ "{\n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " // Autocomplete Files FlatFile\n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " Table session_getTable(String id){\n", " TablePanel tp ;\n", " tp.getSelectedRows();\n", " Table t = session.getValue(id);\n", " if(t == null)\n", " return null;\n", " else {\n", " create table ${id} = t;\n", " return t;\n", " }\n", " };\n", " int session_setTable(String id, String columns){\n", " Table t = select ${columns} from `${id}`;\n", " // Table t = select * from ${id}; // this returns error if id is diagnose or other reserved word;\n", " session.setValue(id, t);\n", " };\n", " int session_addTableTo(String target, String newResults, String columns){\n", " session_getTable(target);\n", " insert into ${target} (${columns}) from select ${columns} from ${newResults};\n", " session_setTable(target, columns);\n", " drop table ${target};\n", " };\n", " int session_init(){\n", " String columns = \"TABLE, TYPE, NAME, EST_MEMORY, COUNT, CARDINALITY, COMMENT\";\n", " CREATE TABLE `current_diagnose` (`TABLE` String,`TYPE` String,`NAME` String,`EST_MEMORY` Long,`COUNT` Integer,`CARDINALITY` Integer,`COMMENT` String,`AVG_LENGTH` Double);\n", " session_setTable(\"current_diagnose\", columns);\n", " CREATE TABLE `full_diagnose` (`TABLE` String,`TYPE` String,`NAME` String,`EST_MEMORY` Long,`COUNT` Integer,`CARDINALITY` Integer,`COMMENT` String,`AVG_LENGTH` Double);\n", " session_setTable(\"full_diagnose\", columns);\n", " };\n", " \n", " int showTables(){\n", " create table tables as use ds=AMI execute select * from (show tables); \n", " };\n", " \n", " int getDiagnose(){\n", " session_getTable(\"current_diagnose\"); \n", " session_getTable(\"full_diagnose\"); \n", " };\n", " \n", " int diagnoseReprocess(){\n", " layout.getDatamodel(\"dm_diagnose\").reprocess();\n", " };\n", " \n", " int diagnoseTable(String tableName){\n", " String columns = \"TABLE, TYPE, NAME, EST_MEMORY, COUNT, CARDINALITY, COMMENT\";\n", " create table current_diagnose as use ds=AMI execute select ${columns} from (diagnose table `${tableName}`);\n", " // Table t = select * from `${id}`;\n", " session_setTable(\"current_diagnose\", columns);\n", " session_addTableTo(\"full_diagnose\", \"current_diagnose\", columns);\n", " };\n", " \n", " int diagnoseColumn(String tableName, String column){\n", " String columns = \"TABLE, TYPE, NAME, EST_MEMORY, COUNT, CARDINALITY, COMMENT\";\n", " create table current_diagnose as use ds=AMI execute select ${columns} from (diagnose column ${column} on`${tableName}`);\n", " session_setTable(\"current_diagnose\", columns);\n", " session_addTableTo(\"full_diagnose\", \"current_diagnose\", columns);\n", " };\n", " int menu_diagnoseTable(MenuItem mi){\n", " TablePanel tp = mi.getPanel();\n", " List rows = tp.getSelectedRows();\n", " for(int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++){\n", " Row r = rows.get(i);\n", " String name = r.get(\"TableName\");\n", " diagnoseTable(name);\n", " }\n", " diagnoseReprocess();\n", " };\n", " int menu_diagnoseColumn(MenuItem mi){\n", " TablePanel tp = mi.getPanel();\n", " List rows = tp.getSelectedRows();\n", " for(int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++){\n", " Row r = rows.get(i);\n", " String tableName = r.get(\"TABLE\");\n", " String name = r.get(\"NAME\");\n", " \n", " diagnoseColumn(tableName, name);\n", " }\n", " };\n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " // Autocomplete Files FlatFile\n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " String fs_unixPath(String path){\n", " if(path == null)\n", " return \"\";\n", " if(strIsnt(path))\n", " return path;\n", " return strReplace(path, \"\\\\\", \"/\"); \n", " };\n", " String fs_getDir(String path){\n", " // Gets the parent dir of an incomplete or complete path\n", " // Appends `/` where appropriate\n", " path = fs_unixPath(path);\n", " int idx = strIndexOf(path, \"/\");\n", " if(idx == -1)\n", " return \"\";\n", " String dir = strBeforeLast(path, \"/\", true) + \"/\";\n", " return dir;\n", " };\n", " \n", " List fs_listFiles(String dir, String match){\n", " {\n", " TABLE filesT = USE ds=\"AmiLogFile\" _file=\"./${dir}\" _delim=\"\\n\" _fields=\"String line\" EXECUTE SELECT * FROM file;\n", " // Table filesT = select * from files;\n", " // filesT.getColumnLocation(\n", " int linenum_loc = filesT.getColumnLocation(\"line\");\n", " if(linenum_loc != -1)\n", " throw new List(\"Invalid Argument\", \"fs_listFiles: \", \"The path provided is not a directory\", dir );\n", " \n", " String filter = \"true\";\n", " if(strIs(match)){\n", " // Uses simplified text matching\n", " // Ex match = \"AmiOne.log\"\n", " // Ex match = \"AmiMessages.log\"\n", " // Ex match = \"AmiOne.amilog\"\n", " filter = \"name ~~ \\\"\" + match +\"\\\"\";\n", " filesT = filesT.query(\"select * from this WHERE ${filter};\");\n", " }\n", " // create table out = filesT;\n", " List filesList = filesT.toList(\"name\");\n", " return filesList;\n", " }\n", " catch(Object err){\n", " session.alert(new List(\"Unknown Error\", \"fs_listFiles\", dir, match, err));\n", " }\n", " };\n", " List fs_listFiles(String dir){\n", " return fs_listFiles(dir, null); \n", " };\n", " \n", " int form_files_autocomplete(FormTextField ff, String dir, String fileMatch){\n", " // String path = ff.getValue();\n", " // path = fs_t\n", " List files_list = null;\n", " files_list = fs_listFiles(dir, fileMatch);\n", " for(int i = 0; i < files_list.size(); i++){\n", " files_list.set(i, dir + files_list.get(i));\n", " }\n", " // session.alert(files_list);\n", " ff.clearOptions();\n", " ff.setOptions(files_list);\n", " };\n", " \n", " int form_files_show_autocomplete(FormTextField ff, String fileMatch){\n", " // Ex Use: form_files_show_autocomplete(this, \"AmiOne.log\");\n", " String path = fs_unixPath((String)(ff.getValue()));\n", " // If path is empty string or ends with `/`\n", " boolean showAll = strIsnt(path) || strEndsWith(path, \"/\", false);\n", " String dir = fs_getDir(path); // will have / at end if necessary\n", " \n", " // session.log(showAll);\n", " if(showAll){\n", " form_files_autocomplete(ff, dir, null); \n", " }\n", " else{\n", " form_files_autocomplete(ff, dir, fileMatch); \n", " }\n", " };\n", " \n", " \n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " // VIEW MANAGER \n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " \n", " \n", " TabsPanel getViewContainerPanel(){\n", " return layout.getPanel(\"SystemsTab\");\n", " // return \"SystemsTab\";\n", " };\n", " \n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " // VIEW MANAGER Debug\n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " \n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " // Debug\n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " \n", " boolean viewConfig(Map config, String pnlId, String field){\n", " FormPanel f = layout.getPanel(pnlId);\n", " FormField ff = f.getField(field);\n", " \n", " String json = toJson(config, false);\n", " ff.setValue(json);\n", " };\n", " \n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " // Basic View Methods \n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " \n", " String getViewId(String id){\n", " String suffix = strAfterLast(id,\"_VIEW_\",false);\n", " return suffix;\n", " };\n", " \n", " String getViewId(Tab t){\n", " Panel innerPanel = t.getInnerPanel();\n", " \n", " return getViewId(innerPanel.getId());\n", " };\n", " \n", " String getBaseView(Tab t){\n", " Panel inner = t.getInnerPanel();\n", " String uiPanelId = inner.getId();\n", " String baseView = strBeforeLast(uiPanelId,\"_VIEW_\",true);\n", " return baseView;\n", " };\n", " String incrementId(String amiId, String newViewId){\n", " return \"${strBeforeLast(amiId, \"_VIEW_\", true)}_VIEW_${newViewId}\";\n", " };\n", " \n", " Panel getPanelForView(String viewid, String id){\n", " String r = id;\n", " if(viewid != null)\n", " r += \"_VIEW_\" + viewid;\n", " return layout.getPanel(r);\n", " };\n", " \n", " Datamodel getDatamodelForView(String viewid, String id){\n", " String r = id;\n", " if(viewid != null)\n", " r += \"_VIEW_\" + viewid;\n", " return layout.getDatamodel(r);\n", " };\n", " \n", " Relationship getRelationshipForView(String viewid, String id){\n", " String r = id;\n", " if(viewid != null)\n", " r += \"_VIEW_\" + viewid;\n", " return layout.getRelationship(r);\n", " };\n", " \n", " Panel getPanelFromView(Tab t, String panelId){\n", " session.alert(\"Deprecated\");\n", " String suffix = getViewId(t);\n", " if(suffix != null){\n", " panelId += \"_VIEW_\"+suffix;\n", " }\n", " return layout.getPanel(panelId);\n", " };\n", " \n", " \n", " Datamodel getDatamodelFromView(Tab t, String dmid){\n", " session.alert(\"Deprecated\");\n", " String suffix = getViewId(t);\n", " if(suffix != null){\n", " dmid += \"_VIEW_\"+suffix;\n", " }\n", " return layout.getDatamodel(dmid);\n", " };\n", " \n", " Relationship getRelationshipFromView(Tab t, String relid){\n", " session.alert(\"Deprecated\");\n", " String suffix = getViewId(t);\n", " if(suffix != null){\n", " relid += \"_VIEW_\"+suffix;\n", " }\n", " return layout.getRelationship(relid);\n", " };\n", " \n", " boolean isView(Tab t){\n", " return (getViewId(t) != null);\n", " };\n", " \n", " String getNextViewId(TabsPanel tabs){\n", " Set existingIds = new Set();\n", " for(int i = 0; i < tabs.getTabsCount(); i++){\n", " Tab t = tabs.getTabAt(i);\n", " String viewId = getViewId(t);\n", " if(existingIds!=null)\n", " existingIds.add(viewId);\n", " }\n", "\n", " int nextViewId=0;\n", " \n", " while(existingIds.contains(\"${nextViewId}\")){\n", " nextViewId++;\n", " }\n", " return \"${nextViewId}\";\n", " };\n", " \n", " Set getViewPanelIds(Map config){\n", " Set ids = new Set();\n", " List portlets = config.get(\"portletConfigs\");\n", " \n", " for(int i = 0; i < portlets.size(); i++){\n", " Map portlet = portlets.get(i);\n", " Map portletConfig = portlet.get(\"portletConfig\"); \n", " String amiPanelId = portletConfig.get(\"amiPanelId\");\n", " \n", " ids.add(amiPanelId);\n", " }\n", " return ids;\n", " };\n", " \n", " Set getViewDatamodelIds(Map config){\n", " Set ids = new Set();\n", " List portlets = config.get(\"portletConfigs\");\n", " \n", " for(int i = 0; i < portlets.size(); i++){\n", " Map portlet = portlets.get(i);\n", " Map portletConfig = portlet.get(\"portletConfig\"); \n", " \n", " List dmConfig = portletConfig.get(\"dm\");\n", " for(int j = 0; j < dmConfig.size(); j++){\n", " Map dm = dmConfig.get(j);\n", " String dmadn = dm.get(\"dmadn\");\n", " ids.add(dmadn);\n", " }\n", " }\n", " return ids;\n", " \n", " };\n", " \n", " Set getViewRelationshipIds(Map config){\n", " Set ids = new Set();\n", " List amilinks = config.get(\"ami_links\");\n", " for(int i = 0; i < amilinks.size(); i++){\n", " Map link = amilinks.get(i);\n", " String relid = link.get(\"relid\");\n", " ids.add(relid);\n", " }\n", " return ids;\n", " };\n", " \n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " // Copying Views + Managing Views\n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " \n", " boolean incrementPanels(Map config, Set viewPanelIds, Set viewDatamodelIds, String newViewId){\n", " List portlets = config.get(\"portletConfigs\");\n", " \n", " for(int i = 0; i < portlets.size(); i++){\n", " Map portlet = portlets.get(i);\n", " String portletBuilderId = portlet.get(\"portletBuilderId\");\n", " Map portletConfig = portlet.get(\"portletConfig\"); \n", " \n", " // Increment Container children\n", " if(\"div\" == portletBuilderId){\n", " String child1 = portletConfig.get(\"child1\");\n", " if(viewPanelIds.contains(child1))\n", " portletConfig.put(\"child1\", incrementId(child1, newViewId));\n", " String child2 = portletConfig.get(\"child2\");\n", " if(viewPanelIds.contains(child2))\n", " portletConfig.put(\"child2\", incrementId(child2, newViewId));\n", " }\n", " else if(\"tab\" == portletBuilderId){\n", " List tabs = portletConfig.get(\"tabs\");\n", " for(int j = 0; j < tabs.size(); j++){\n", " Map tab = tabs.get(j);\n", " String child = tab.get(\"child\");\n", " if(viewPanelIds.contains(child))\n", " tab.put(\"child\", incrementId(child, newViewId));\n", " }\n", " }\n", " else if(\"scrollpane\" == portletBuilderId){\n", " String child = portletConfig.get(\"child\");\n", " if(viewPanelIds.contains(child))\n", " portletConfig.put(\"child\", incrementId(child, newViewId));\n", " }\n", " else if(\"amichartgrid\" == portletBuilderId){\n", " Map plotConfig = portletConfig.get(\"plotConfig\");\n", " for(String plotId: plotConfig.getKeys()){\n", " Map plot = plotConfig.get(plotId);\n", " List layers = plot.get(\"layers\"); \n", " for(int j = 0; j < layers.size(); j++){\n", " Map layer = layers.get(j); \n", " String dmadn = layer.get(\"dmadn\");\n", " if(dmadn != null && viewDatamodelIds.contains(dmadn))\n", " layer.put(\"dmadn\", incrementId(dmadn, newViewId));\n", " } \n", " }\n", " }\n", " \n", " \n", " // Increment rt feed\n", " else if(\"Amirealtimeaggtable\" == portletBuilderId || \"amirealtimetable\" == portletBuilderId || \"amirealtimetreemap\" == portletBuilderId){\n", " List rtSources = portletConfig.get(\"rtSources\");\n", " for(int j = 0; j < rtSources.size(); j++){\n", " String source = rtSources.get(j);\n", " if(strStartsWith(source, \"PANEL:\", false)){\n", " String sourcePanel = strAfter(source, \"PANEL:\", false);\n", " if(sourcePanel == null)\n", " throw \"Invalid rtSource\";\n", " \n", " if(viewPanelIds.contains(sourcePanel))\n", " rtSources.set(j, incrementId(source, newViewId));\n", " }\n", " }\n", " }\n", " \n", " \n", " // Increment AmiPanelId upid\n", " String amiPanelId = portletConfig.get(\"amiPanelId\");\n", " portletConfig.put(\"amiPanelId\", incrementId(amiPanelId, newViewId));\n", " String upid = portletConfig.get(\"upid\");\n", " portletConfig.put(\"upid\", incrementId(upid, newViewId));\n", " \n", " // Increment dm if dm is part of view\n", " List dmConfig = portletConfig.get(\"dm\");\n", " for(int j = 0; j < dmConfig.size(); j++){\n", " Map dm = dmConfig.get(j);\n", " String dmadn = dm.get(\"dmadn\");\n", " if(viewDatamodelIds.contains(dmadn))\n", " dm.put(\"dmadn\", incrementId(dmadn, newViewId));\n", " }\n", " \n", " \n", " }\n", " };\n", " \n", " boolean incrementRelationships(Map config, Set viewPanelIds, Set viewDatamodelIds, String newViewId){\n", " Set ids = new Set();\n", " List amilinks = config.get(\"ami_links\");\n", " for(int i = 0; i < amilinks.size(); i++){\n", " Map link = amilinks.get(i);\n", " String relid = link.get(\"relid\");\n", " link.put(\"relid\", incrementId(relid, newViewId));\n", " \n", " // Panels \n", " String spadn = link.get(\"spadn\");\n", " if(spadn!=null && viewPanelIds.contains(spadn))\n", " link.put(\"spadn\", incrementId(spadn, newViewId));\n", " \n", " String tpadn = link.get(\"tpadn\");\n", " if(tpadn!=null && viewPanelIds.contains(tpadn))\n", " link.put(\"tpadn\", incrementId(tpadn, newViewId));\n", " \n", " // Datamodels\n", " String sdmadn = link.get(\"sdmadn\");\n", " if(sdmadn!=null && viewDatamodelIds.contains(sdmadn))\n", " link.put(\"sdmadn\", incrementId(sdmadn, newViewId));\n", " \n", " String tdmadn = link.get(\"tdmadn\");\n", " if(tdmadn!= null && viewDatamodelIds.contains(tdmadn))\n", " link.put(\"tdmadn\", incrementId(tdmadn, newViewId));\n", " \n", " \n", " }\n", " };\n", " \n", " boolean incrementDatamodels(List config, String newViewId){\n", " Set ids = new Set();\n", " for(int i = 0; i < config.size(); i++){\n", " Map dm = config.get(i);\n", " String lbl = dm.get(\"lbl\");\n", " dm.put(\"lbl\", incrementId(lbl, newViewId)); \n", " }\n", " };\n", " \n", " List exportDatamodels(Set viewDmIds){\n", " List r = new List();\n", " for(String lbl: viewDmIds){\n", " Datamodel dm = layout.getDatamodel(lbl);\n", " Map dmConfig = dm.exportConfig();\n", " r.add(dmConfig);\n", " }\n", " return r;\n", " };\n", " \n", " boolean addImportDatamodels(List dmsConfig){\n", " for(int i = 0; i < dmsConfig.size(); i++){\n", " Map dmConfig = dmsConfig.get(i);\n", " String lbl = dmConfig.get(\"lbl\");\n", " Datamodel dm = layout.getDatamodel(lbl);\n", " if(dm == null)\n", " session.importDatamodel(dmConfig);\n", " }\n", " };\n", " \n", "\n", " \n", " Tab createView(String viewName, TabsPanel tabsPanel, Panel baseView, String newViewId){\n", " \n", " // Export Panel & Relationship Config \n", " String topPanel = baseView.getId();\n", " Map baseConfig = baseView.exportConfigIncludeExternalRelationships();\n", " // viewConfig(baseConfig, \"PNL1\", \"textarea\");\n", " \n", " // Get View Panels, Dms, Relationships\n", " Set basePanelIds = getViewPanelIds(baseConfig);\n", " Set baseDatamodelIds = getViewDatamodelIds(baseConfig);\n", " Set baseRelationshipIds = getViewRelationshipIds(baseConfig);\n", " \n", " //Export Dm Config\n", " List dmsConfig = exportDatamodels(baseDatamodelIds);\n", " \n", " // Update ids\n", " incrementPanels(baseConfig, basePanelIds, baseDatamodelIds, newViewId);\n", " incrementRelationships(baseConfig, basePanelIds, baseDatamodelIds, newViewId);\n", " incrementDatamodels(dmsConfig, newViewId);\n", " baseConfig.put(\"topAmiPanelId\", incrementId(topPanel, newViewId));\n", " viewConfig(baseConfig, \"PNL1\", \"textarea1\");\n", " \n", " // Import datamodels\n", " addImportDatamodels(dmsConfig);\n", " // Add tab\n", " Map newConfig = baseConfig;\n", " int newPosition = tabsPanel.getTabsCount();\n", " Tab newTab = tabsPanel.addTab(newPosition, viewName, newConfig);\n", " return newTab;\n", " };\n", " \n", " Tab createView(String viewName, TabsPanel tabsPanel, Panel baseView){\n", " String newViewId = getNextViewId(tabsPanel);\n", " return createView(viewName, tabsPanel, baseView, newViewId);\n", " };\n", " \n", " \n", " boolean closeView(Tab view){\n", " if(isView(view)){\n", " view.hideTab();\n", " Panel innerPanel = view.getInnerPanel();\n", " innerPanel.close();\n", " }\n", " \n", " // boolean ih = view.isHidden();\n", " };\n", " \n", " String getStatusCloseViewMenu(MenuItem m){\n", " TabsPanel p = m.getPanel();\n", " Tab t = p.getSelectedTab();\n", " return isView(t) ?\"enabled\":\"disabled\";\n", " };\n", " boolean closeViewMenu(MenuItem m){\n", " TabsPanel p = m.getPanel();\n", " Tab t = p.getSelectedTab();\n", " closeView(t);\n", " };\n", " \n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " // Saving/Loading Views To Preferences\n", " //##### ##### ##### \n", " \n", " boolean getCustomViews(TabsPanel tabs, List sink){\n", " String tabsPanelId = tabs.getId();\n", " for(int i = 0; i < tabs.getTabsCount(); i++){\n", " Tab t = tabs.getTabAt(i);\n", " \n", " if(isView(t)){\n", " Map m = new Map();\n", " m.put(\"tabsPanelId\", tabsPanelId);\n", " m.put(\"viewId\", getViewId(t));\n", " m.put(\"title\", t.getTitle());\n", " m.put(\"baseView\", getBaseView(t));\n", " sink.add(m);\n", " }\n", " }\n", " };\n", " \n", " boolean savePrefCustomViews(List tabsPanelIds, List userPrefs){\n", " List customViews = new List();\n", " for(int i = 0; i < tabsPanelIds.size(); i++){\n", " String tabsPanelId = tabsPanelIds.get(i);\n", " TabsPanel tp = layout.getPanel(tabsPanelId);\n", " getCustomViews(tp, customViews);\n", " }\n", " session.putCustomPreference(\"__CUSTOM_VIEWS\", customViews);\n", " Map pref = new Map();\n", " pref.put(\"cpid\", \"__CUSTOM_VIEWS\");\n", " pref.put(\"pref\", customViews);\n", " userPrefs.add(pref);\n", " };\n", " \n", " boolean loadPrefCustomViews(List userPrefs){\n", " \n", " List customViews = session.getCustomPreference(\"__CUSTOM_VIEWS\");\n", " if(customViews!=null)\n", " for(int i = 0; i< customViews.size(); i++){\n", " Map m = customViews.get(i);\n", " String viewId = m.get(\"viewId\");\n", " String baseViewId = m.get(\"baseView\");\n", " \n", " // Check if the view already exists\n", " String targetViewId = incrementId(baseViewId, viewId);\n", " Panel targetViewPanel = layout.getPanel(targetViewId); \n", " if(targetViewPanel != null)\n", " continue;\n", " \n", " String tabsPanelId = m.get(\"tabsPanelId\");\n", " String title = m.get(\"title\");\n", " \n", " TabsPanel tp = layout.getPanel(tabsPanelId);\n", " Panel baseView = layout.getPanel(baseViewId); \n", " createView(title, tp, baseView, viewId);\n", " }\n", " };\n", " boolean loadFormFieldValues(List userPrefs){\n", " // Get Preference\n", " List formFieldValues = session.getCustomPreference(\"__CUSTOM_FORM_FIELD_VALUES\");\n", " if(formFieldValues!= null){\n", " // Loop through all the saved formms\n", " for(int i = 0; i < formFieldValues.size(); i ++){\n", " Map formMap = formFieldValues.get(i); \n", " String panelId = formMap.get(\"panelId\");\n", " Map fieldValues = formMap.get(\"fieldValues\");\n", " \n", " FormPanel fp = layout.getPanel(panelId);\n", " // Get all the fields and\n", " for(String varName : fieldValues.getKeys()){\n", " Object value = fieldValues.get(varName);\n", " FormField ff = fp.getField(varName);\n", " ff.setValue(value);\n", " }\n", " \n", " }\n", " }\n", "\n", " \n", " };\n", " boolean saveFormFieldValues(List formPanelIds, List userPrefs){\n", " List formFieldValues = new List();\n", " for(int i = 0; i < formPanelIds.size(); i++){\n", " String panelId = formPanelIds.get(i);\n", " FormPanel fp = layout.getPanel(panelId);\n", " Map formMap = new Map(); \n", " \n", " Map fieldValues = new Map();\n", " List fields = fp.getFields();\n", " for(int j = 0; j < fields.size(); j++){\n", " FormField ff = fields.get(j);\n", " String varName = ff.getVariableName();\n", " Object value = ff.getValue();\n", " fieldValues.put(varName, value);\n", " }\n", " \n", " \n", " formMap.put(\"panelId\", panelId);\n", " formMap.put(\"fieldValues\", fieldValues);\n", " formFieldValues.add(formMap);\n", " }\n", " session.putCustomPreference(\"__CUSTOM_FORM_FIELD_VALUES\", formFieldValues);\n", " Map pref = new Map();\n", " pref.put(\"cpid\",\"__CUSTOM_FORM_FIELD_VALUES\");\n", " pref.put(\"pref\", formFieldValues);\n", " userPrefs.add(pref);\n", " };\n", " \n", " boolean saveSystemControlsPanels(List userPrefs){\n", " TabsPanel tabs = getViewContainerPanel();\n", " List formIds = new List();\n", " for(int i = 0; i < tabs.getTabsCount(); i++){\n", " Tab t = tabs.getTabAt(i);\n", " FormPanel fp = getPanelForView(getViewId(t),\"SystemControls\");\n", " formIds.add(fp.getId());\n", " }\n", " saveFormFieldValues(formIds, userPrefs);\n", " };\n", " \n", " boolean refreshLogViews(){\n", " TabsPanel tabs = getViewContainerPanel();\n", " for(int i = 0; i < tabs.getTabsCount(); i++){\n", " Tab t = tabs.getTabAt(i);\n", " FormPanel fp = getPanelForView(getViewId(t),\"SystemControls\");\n", " FormButtonField fb = fp.getField(\"refreshall\");\n", " fb.click();\n", " }\n", " };\n", " \n", " boolean onStartupPref(Session sess){\n", " session_init();\n", " };\n", " \n", " boolean onLoadingPref(Session sess, List userPrefs){\n", " loadPrefCustomViews(userPrefs);\n", " loadFormFieldValues(userPrefs);\n", " refreshLogViews();\n", " };\n", " \n", " boolean onSavingPref(Session sess, List userPrefs){\n", " savePrefCustomViews(new List(\"SystemsTab\"), userPrefs);\n", " saveSystemControlsPanels(userPrefs);\n", " };\n", " \n", " Object removeQuote(String value) {\n", " return strStartsWith(value, \"\\\"\", false) || (strEndsWith(value, \"\\\"\", false)) ? strSubstring(value, 1, strLen(value) - 1) : value;\n", " \n", " };\n", "\n", " List listFromFile(){\n", " FormPanel fp = layout.getPanel(\"SystemControls\");\n", " FormUploadField fuf = fp.getField(\"uploadFF\");\n", " Binary st = fuf.getFileBinaryData();\n", " String ss = binaryToStr(st);\n", " List l = strSplitLines(ss);\n", " for(int i=0;i \" + dateTimeStartVal + \" && now < \" + dateTimeEndVal;\n", " \n", " } else if (dateTimeStartVal == null && dateTimeEndVal != null) { \n", " \n", " filter = \"now < \" + dateTimeEndVal;\n", " \n", " } else if (dateTimeStartVal != null && dateTimeEndVal == null) {\n", " \n", " filter = \"now > \" + dateTimeStartVal;\n", " \n", " } else {\n", " \n", " String filter = true;\n", " }\n", " \n", " CREATE TABLE AmiCenterStoredProcs AS SELECT * FROM AmiCenterStoredProcs WHERE ${WHERE} && ${filter};\n", " ALTER TABLE AmiCenterStoredProcs ADD Diff Integer;\n", " \n", " create table AmiCenterStoredProcsProcessed as prepare *, offset(millis, -1) as prevMillis from AmiCenterStoredProcs order by now partition by name;\n", " \n", " delete from AmiCenterStoredProcsProcessed WHERE prevMillis == null;\n", " update AmiCenterStoredProcsProcessed set Diff = millis - prevMillis;\n", " \n", " create table AmiCenterStoredProcsProcessed as select count, maximum(Diff, 0) as Diff, errors, millis, name, now, prevMillis as prevMillis, T from AmiCenterStoredProcsProcessed;\n", "}\n" ], "hasDatamodel":true, "inputDm":[ "main" ], "linkedVariables":[ { "ari":"FIELDVALUE:PNL13?datetimeEnd?", "varName":"dateTimeEndVal" }, { "ari":"FIELDVALUE:PNL13?datetimeStart?", "varName":"dateTimeStartVal" } ], "name":"onProcess", "schema":{ "tbl":[ { "cols":[ { "nm":"logouts", "tp":"Long" }, { "nm":"T", "tp":"String" }, { "nm":"objsCount", "tp":"Long" }, { "nm":"dels", "tp":"Long" }, { 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